With the deactivation of signal jammers in Colombian prisons, criminal behavior in prisons, especially extortion cases, has shown a rapid rise. signal jammer This phenomenon poses a serious challenge to the country's criminal justice system, forcing the government and relevant departments to take urgent measures to deal with it.cell phone jammer

  Legal and Technical Factors in the Deactivation of Jammers

  Colombian prison signal jammers are mostly 3G technology, and due to their old technology, they are no longer effective in preventing prisoners from committing crimes through their mobile phones. GPS jammer At the same time, communities have filed legal lawsuits against the disruption of daily life caused by signal blocking, which have led to the closure of jammers nationwide. Wifi jammer Inpec is facing a double pressure: on the one hand, the effectiveness of signal jammers is gradually decreasing, and on the other hand, court rulings have forced them to stop using these devices.

  The rise of extortion in prisons

  After the deactivation of signal jammers, prisoners have found new ways to commit crimes, especially when extorting money. Criminals take advantage of blind spots around prisons and continue to carry out illegal activities through mobile phones, directly threatening the safety and order of society. Data from 2023 shows that the number of victims of extortion has exceeded 5,000. This shows that the technological loopholes in the prison system need to be addressed urgently.

  Government and Inpec's response

  In the face of increased crime, Inpec is taking a multi-faceted response. The agency has invested more technical and human resources in cooperation with the judicial and legal departments, the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, the police and the army to strengthen the security management of prisons. In addition, Inpec has also cooperated with other international and domestic institutions to receive training and technical support to deal with the increasingly complex criminal activities in prisons.

  Impact and lawsuits on communities around prisons

  Signal jammers not only play a role inside prisons, but also affect the lives of surrounding communities. This has led to multiple lawsuits filed by community residents against the government, and the courts often ruled in favor of the residents. This legal pressure has forced Inpec to seek more balanced solutions to ensure that prisoners' illegal activities are effectively prevented without affecting the lives of residents.

  Exploration of new strategies and technologies

  Inpec is currently studying alternative technological solutions to fill the loopholes caused by outdated jammers. At the same time, special units are actively dealing with corruption and crime cases in prisons. They have adopted some new strategies, such as isolating prisoners suspected of involvement in extortion, and plan to build special high-security areas to accommodate prisoners who commit repeated crimes.

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