Mobile phone use is a growing problem

  Mobile phone use in schools has become a growing problem, especially in terms of affecting children's development. signal jammer Politicians in Basel are calling for measures to be taken to combat the problem. cell phone jammer Basel city councillor Anouk Feurer has publicly voiced his support for a ban on mobile phones in schools, noting that too much screen time can have a negative impact on young children.

  Challenges in the digital age

  In today's digital world, it is very common for children to be exposed to smartphones and tablets from an early age. GPS jammer Parents often use these devices to distract their children, whether at dinner or in the stroller, and mobile phones and tablets seem to have become a common tool in parenting. However, the consequences of long-term use of these devices are worrying.

  Impact of mobile phones in schools

  Mobile phones are being used more than ever in schools, raising concerns about their long-term consequences. Studies have shown that too much screen time can have a negative impact on children's language development, their ability to concentrate, and their ability to build relationships with adults. Feurer pointed out that children need to develop many important skills in the first few years of life, and too much screen time can hinder the development of these skills.

  Research supports the recommendation to ban mobile phones

  Eva Unternaehrer of the University Clinic of Basel shares Ferrer's concerns. She emphasizes that every minute a young child spends in front of a screen is a waste. Especially in the critical period between zero and three years old, screen time should be minimized. The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends that screen time should be completely avoided in the first two years of life. Unternaehrer recommends taking preventive measures before birth, such as introducing the importance of reducing screen time in childbirth preparation classes.

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  The role of mobile phone jammers

  When discussing how to reduce students' use of mobile phones in school, mobile phone jammers are considered an effective tool. Mobile phone jammers can block signals in specific frequency bands so that mobile phones in a specific area cannot receive or send signals. This device can limit students' use of mobile phones in class without affecting normal teaching activities.

  The need for a mobile phone ban

  The call from Basel politicians is not only to limit students' mobile phone use, but also to protect children's health and development. Studies have shown that too much screen time has a negative impact on children's cognitive and social abilities. By implementing a mobile phone ban in schools, students' screen time can be effectively reduced and they can participate more in classroom activities and face-to-face communication.

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  Cooperation between parents and schools

  In order to successfully implement the mobile phone ban, cooperation between parents and schools is essential. Parents need to understand and support the school's decision, and at the same time, they should limit their children's screen time at home. Schools can convey to parents the importance of reducing screen time through parent-teacher meetings, promotional materials, etc., and provide effective alternatives, such as reading, outdoor activities, etc.

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