Russia recently passed a law that stipulates that from September 1, 2024, the use of communication tools, including smartphones, will be completely banned in primary and secondary schools. The ban aims to reduce distractions in the classroom, improve students' learning concentration, and protect their mental and physical health. This article will explore the background of this policy, the implementation effect, and the potential impact on the education system. signal jammer

Background of the mobile phone ban
In recent years, with the popularity of smartphones among teenagers, the problem of mobile phone use in the classroom has become increasingly serious. Many teachers and education experts point out that mobile phones not only distract students, but also have a negative impact on their academic performance and mental health. When announcing the law, Russian Minister of Education Kravtsov emphasized that the mobile phone ban is to prevent mobile phones from distracting students in class and ensure that they can concentrate on listening to lessons and learning. cell phone jammer

Implementation and specific provisions
According to the provisions of the new law, from September 1, 2024, Russian primary and secondary schools will completely ban students from using mobile phones during school. Mobile phones are only allowed to be used for teaching purposes or in emergencies. Kravtsov pointed out that this ban is not limited to smartphones, but also includes all other types of communication tools. GPS jammer

In addition, the school will also formulate a series of supporting measures, such as setting up a special contact channel during class time, allowing parents to contact students through the school's landline in an emergency.

Responses from teachers and students
Teachers generally support this policy and believe that the mobile phone ban will help improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching. A poll shows that more than half of teachers support a complete ban on the use of mobile phones in schools. They believe that the mobile phone ban will help reduce distractions in the classroom and improve students' attention and participation.

However, students' reactions to this policy are more complicated. Some students expressed support and believed that the ban could help them concentrate better and improve their learning efficiency. But some students expressed concerns that the inability to contact parents in time in an emergency may affect their sense of security.

Parents' views and concerns
Parents have different views on the mobile phone ban. Some parents believe that the ban can help children reduce their dependence on mobile phones and focus better on learning. However, some parents are worried that if they cannot contact their children in time in an emergency, it will cause safety hazards. In this regard, Kravtsov said that the school will set up a special contact channel to ensure that parents can contact their children in time in an emergency.

Health and psychological impact
Research shows that excessive use of mobile phones has many negative effects on the mental and physical health of adolescents. Long-term use of mobile phones may lead to decreased vision, poor sleep quality and psychological problems. By reducing the time students use mobile phones during school, mobile phone bans are expected to improve these problems and improve students' overall health.

International experience and reference
Russia is not the first country to implement a mobile phone ban. New Zealand also recently announced that mobile phones will be banned in primary and secondary schools across the country. New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Laxon pointed out that the mobile phone ban is to allow students to concentrate on learning and help teachers teach better. Education experts say that mobile phone bans can help improve students' learning concentration and overall academic performance.

Continuing challenges and future prospects
Although the mobile phone ban has achieved positive results in some aspects, there are still many challenges in its implementation. For example, how to ensure that students can contact the outside world in time in an emergency, how to balance the use of mobile phones with the needs of modern educational technology, etc. Schools need to constantly adjust and improve policies and explore more effective management measures to meet these challenges.

In general, the mobile phone ban law passed by Russia reflects the government and education departments' emphasis on improving students' learning environment and mental health. Although there will be some difficulties in the implementation process, with the continuous adjustment and improvement of policies, the ban is expected to play a greater role in the future and provide students with a more focused and healthy learning environment.

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