I don't wanna see these things/
I don't wanna feel the pain/
I refuse to live in my head/
I'm running from myself/
From the failures of the past/
But I know, I can't escape/
I'm just hiding in the dark/

Wake me up when it's all over/
I'm tired of living in the dark/
Please let me know, when this is over/
I'm tired of seeing the pictures of the past/
Wake me up/

I'm trying to be strong/
Fighting my demons everyday/
I'm walking just alone/
I'm tired of living forsaken/
I have a broken soul/
I don't wanna let you know/
I refuse to let it show/

Wake me up when it's all over/
I'm tired of living in the dark/
Please let me know, when this is over/
I'm tired of seeing the pictures of the past/
Wake me up/

I don't wanna live in my head/
I don't wanna see the pictures/
I don't wanna feel the pain/
I refuse to hide forever/
I just want to escape/

Wake me up when it's all over/
I'm tired of living in the dark/
Please let me know, when this is over/
I'm tired of seeing the pictures of the past/
Wake me up

© Walking Through Thoughts

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Beschreibung des Autors zu "Wake Me Up"

Nach langer Pause hab ich heute mal wieder etwas geschrieben.
In dem Text geht es um meine PTBS und die Flashbacks, die damit einhergehen.

Ich hoffe er gefällt euch und wünsche euch einen schönen Abend.

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