
Everyday feels like a damn cold night because
You are not here with me
Every night I cry to many tears and
If I sleep I only dream of you
Everybody say forget her now but
Every time I love you more and more
Everyday I only think of you and
Everyday I hurt myself with that
Everyday I see to many girls but
No girl is a princess like you
The day when I see you for the first time was
The day when I lost my heart on you
The sun is shining but your smile shines more and
Your eyes take me to wonderland
Every picture of you is a masterpiece and
Every picture give me a heartattack
I know we dont know each other but
I know its love what I feel
I know I`m not the perfect man but
I know I can give you all what I have
I know that we are opposites but
Give me a chance to show you my love
One day I said that I`m in love with you and
You said ok but please forget me now
You said its crazy cause we dont see us enough but
Give us the chance to show us who we are
I love you so many years and
I know I love you till the day I die

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Hier der erste Text den ich geschrieben habe, vielleicht nicht perfekt aber mit Herz :)

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