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Trying to be a London girl: chapter 3


Kategorie: Liebesgeschichten   Autor: charlie20
17.08.2016    0    0    284

‘Yeah Lisa, wohooo!!!’, Steph, Felix, Jo and I scream when she gets handed her diploma by the dean, while mom and dad clap their hands in joy. The rest of the ceremony flies by in a blur. [ ... ]

Trying to be a London girl: chapter 2


Kategorie: Liebesgeschichten   Autor: charlie20
07.08.2016    0    0    67

‘You look lovely. I really like it when you put your hair back’, mom comments as the same waiter from before pulls my chair back so I can sit down. I give him a small smile and say ‘Thank you. [ ... ]

Trying to be a London girl: chapter 1


Kategorie: Liebesgeschichten   Autor: charlie20
05.08.2016    0    0    55

I am pretty sure that every single one of us has at least once thought about university. Or more specifically, how your university life would turn out to be. Everyone who says he has not, is either a [ ... ]