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Displaying 1-9 of 9 results.

The dove and the dog

Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Sonstige Gedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
13.10.2019    0    1    106

The dove can fly
up to the sky.
The dog runs around,
down on the ground.

That's the Story
of their different Point of view.

The dove looks down to the trees.
Like green clouds they [ ... ]

The quiet fan

Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Sonstige Gedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
13.10.2019    0    0    110

Miles away
you live everyday,
smiling so smart
for every heart.

You'll give them happiness
and something to dream
but take care of yourself
'cause of their mindless meaning.

I can't say [ ... ]

If they leave

Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Sonstige Gedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
02.09.2019    0    0    125

You close the borders
by giving strange orders.
What's the reason
for your expression?
Do you lose your might
or are you afraid?

You spit on your folk and on your neighbours
for your own [ ... ]


Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Sonstige Gedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
02.09.2019    3    5    140

Ihr wollt etwas lesen
und seid nichts gewesen,
träumt vor euch hin
aber ohne Sinn.
Worauf wartet ihr?
Warum seid ihr hier?
Was treibt euch an,
ist es Liebe oder Wahn,
Illusion oder [ ... ]

Getting old together

Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Lustige Gedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
18.08.2019    0    0    109

Getting old together
with some farts in my ear.
Getting old together,...
it wasn't me, I swear!

Let me hear your slightly breeze
so that I know, you're still alive.
The birds are falling down [ ... ]

Musicians wealth

Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Sonstige Gedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
21.07.2019    2    1    121

If you sing with your heart
it sounds like screaming.
Why it's so hard?
Do you forgot the meaning?

If you Play with your Soul
it sounds so cruel.
An elephant jumps over the keys.
That's not [ ... ]


Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Liebesgedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
21.07.2019    0    9    157

Ich schließe meine Augen
und sehe dich.
Ich kann dir vertrauen,
das fühle ich.
Ich wache auf und mein Herz ist warm
bei jedem Gedanken an dich, mein Schwarm.
Wo auch immer du gerade sein [ ... ]


Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Sonstige Gedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
14.07.2019    2    1    137

Say what you want
but look at me.
My life is not
what it seems to be.
My clothes look like glamorous
but as a child I'd played with [ ... ]

Moonlight at midnight

Mira Draconis

Kategorie: Liebesgedichte   Autor: Mira Draconis
07.07.2019    2    1    94

Moonlight at midnight,
it shine so bright
on lovers kiss
and tears of miss,
on heart and mind.
What can you hide?

You blame the stars with your Glamour.
(Who can be a better Amor?)
May I [ ... ]