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Displaying 1-10 of 35 results.



Kategorie: Liebesgedichte   Autor: Longlegs
14.12.2023    0    0    15

I envy those sitting in the zone.
Bullets flying past
huddled up and prone
they may lose all past
places the called home.
But what they have
the only thing I can fathom
to cure me, so, on that [ ... ]

Qualifikation, Skillissue


Kategorie: Seelenschmerz Gedichte   Autor: Longlegs
19.10.2023    1    2    43

Deine Skills sind,
ein abgeschlossenes Studium
du fühlst den Wind
innerhalb der Wände von deinem Hirn.
Du willst die Stelle,
dann komm' an die Quelle!

Du solltest lernen
für Stellen auf [ ... ]

Bored, on Grimm ripoffs of old


Kategorie: Über Gedichte   Autor: Longlegs
02.10.2023    2    1    104

I have some time to spare,
seeing that my phone deems access unclear.
So, I don't know my Puck,
let's investigate narratives that make us go,
when only applied a superficial look to,
stories [ ... ]

Disdain for Vermin


Kategorie: Liebesgedichte   Autor: Longlegs
27.09.2023    0    0    9

What vicious vile creatures
are the people known as Germans.
What a pitifull excuse
will they use?
I wish to disembark
from the planet that houses such dreadfull mark.

Rich and [ ... ]

Passionate suffering


Kategorie: Über Gedichte   Autor: Longlegs
18.09.2023    0    0    80

Heading to the animal shelter,
saving your buddy to become elder
within your immediate vicinity,
to receive warmth and love,
requires, as mentioned above,
the need for saving. Born from [ ... ]

Happy accident


Kategorie: Gedichte zu Anlässen   Autor: Longlegs
13.09.2023    0    1    32

The secret to accidental success
seems substantial under initial duress
in pursuit
of the good.
Wading through eternal mess
and then trying a little less.

Preparing aswell as enduring [ ... ]

Rare occasionality


Kategorie: Liebesgedichte   Autor: Longlegs
11.09.2023    0    1    15

i feel like
I avoid to shine bright
when i'm with those I like
for I fear they decide
to throw dust on me.
To overshadow me?

This usually causes me fright
worse than serious things that [ ... ]

Metre is a terrible consideration


Kategorie: Lebensgedichte   Autor: Longlegs
10.09.2023    0    0    11

While I haven't been *the student*
always inside my mind,
reading Dies Irae instead of
relevant stuff
I'd say confidently
I picked up something handy.

In school I presumed a lot
disdain [ ... ]

Schritt für Schritt


Kategorie: Seelenschmerz Gedichte   Autor: Longlegs
07.09.2023    0    0    21

Hey, Tür,
ich wollte dir
sagen, es tut mir
leid, dafür,
dass ich dich nicht öle.
Und dann nöle.

Ich hab das eben gelernt,
anders als Selbstbewusstsein.
Ja! So schaut er drein!
All das [ ... ]

Konzentrierte Zerstreuung


Kategorie: Sehnsucht Gedichte   Autor: Longlegs
05.09.2023    1    2    30

The macchiavellian wants power
the stoic endures it
the daoist enjoys the flower
the confucianist taxes the floor it's in
Newton called the universe's bluff
whereas religion says you choose your [ ... ]